What To Do When Air Conditioner Is Not Cooling?
No one likes it when their air conditioner stops working. You come home from a long day, already exhausted from the heat, only to find your air conditioner is not cooling. It can be a major inconvenience and can be relatively time consuming to get it running again. But where do you start? What should you do when your air conditioner is not cooling?
Check the Settings
The first thing to check when your air conditioner is not cooling is the settings. Your unit should be set to “cool” and your temperature setting should be at the desired temperature you want your house to be. If it is set to both of those things, then it is time to move on to the next step.
Check Your Thermostat
Your thermostat is responsible for controlling your air conditioner. Therefore, you should check and see if the thermostat is working correctly. If it is too far away from the actual temperature, then the air conditioner will not turn on. If it is too close to the temperature in the room, the unit will be overworked. Try to recalibrate it or replace the batteries if necessary.
Check the Condenser Unit
Your condenser unit is responsible for the actual cooling of your air conditioner. If it is dirty or clogged with debris, then it will not be able to do its job. Make sure to clean the condensate unit regularly and keep it free of debris. Additionally, check the fan outside to make sure it is working. If it is not running, it could mean that there is an issue with your power source.
Check the Ducts
If the ducts of your air conditioner are blocked or leaking, it will not be able to do its job efficiently. Inspect the ducts for any damage and repair them as necessary. Additionally, make sure that all of the vents in your home are open and that the air is flowing freely.
Check for Freon Leaks
Refrigerant, or Freon, is necessary for your air conditioner to cool your home. If you think you have a Freon leak, contact an HVAC technician right away. Freon leaks can be very dangerous and should be fixed as soon as possible.
Contact a HVAC Expert
If all else fails, it is time to call in an expert to check on your air conditioner. Make sure to find a reputable HVAC contractor who can come into your home and check the unit. They will be able to diagnose the problem and suggest the best solution for your air conditioner.
Possible Causes
There are a number of different things that can cause your air conditioner to stop cooling. It could be a problem with the thermostat, the condenser unit, the ducts, or even Freon leaks. Make sure to check all of these components to see if there is an issue. If you are unable to pinpoint the cause, make sure to contact a professional.
Contact the Manufacturer
If the issue is not something you can fix yourself, contact the manufacturer of the unit. Many times, they will offer a warranty or have a customer service line that you can call. Make sure to inform them of the problem you are having and ask them for advice on how to fix the issue.
When your air conditioner is not cooling, it can be a major inconvenience. To ensure that your unit is working correctly, make sure to check the settings, the thermostat, the condenser unit, the ducts, and look for any Freon leaks. If all of these things check out, contact a HVAC technician for further assistance. Don’t forget to contact the manufacturer if necessary as well.
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