What Wildlife Is Native To The Yukon And Alaska Climate?

Yukon Wildlife Preserve (Whitehorse) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go

A Wildlife Adventure in Yukon and Alaska

If you're looking for an adventure, you can't go wrong with a trip to Yukon and Alaska! From majestic mountains and glacial rivers, to amazing wildlife and majestic landscapes, there is something special for everyone. In this post, I'll share my experience exploring the wildlife in Yukon and Alaska and what you can expect to see and do if you decide to explore these regions as well.

Mountain Goats

One of my favorite animal sightings while traveling through these regions were mountain goats. They are amazing creatures and very majestic. The fur on their horns changes color depending on the angle at which they are viewed, which made them even more incredible to observe. I was lucky to get close enough to photograph them and the resulting images were stunning. Even though they spend most of their time on cliffs, I did manage to see some of them grazing on grass up in the higher elevations.

It’s also worth noting that mountain goats are the only mammals that are native to North America. And while they may not seem as exotic as other animals found in the region, they certainly make for some amazing photo opportunities!


During my travels, I also had the chance to witness some very impressive moose. These massive creatures can weigh up to 1,500 pounds, so it’s understandable why they are so majestic and awe-inspiring. Seeing them in their natural habitat was an incredible experience. From the way they moved, to the sheer size of them, moose are certainly one of the highlights of my trip.

One of the best experiences I had with moose was seeing a mother with her calf. I was so stunned by the size of the calf that I almost didn’t realize they were related until they started interacting with each other. Seeing them in such a close distance was an amazing sight, and one that I’ll never forget.


Another species of wildlife that I found incredibly interesting to observe were wolverines. These small but ferocious creatures were very fun to watch in their natural environment. I found them to be quite agile and curious creatures, which made them great to watch as they skittered around.

The only downside is that they were a bit hard to track in the wild. Apart from one day where I was lucky enough to spot a few in their natural habitat, they seemed to elude me for the remainder of my trip. Fortunately, I had the chance to take some amazing photos during that one instance.


Another animal that I had the chance to observe, albeit from a distance, were bears. Although I encountered both black and brown bears while hiking around the backcountry in Alaska and Yukon, I was quite disappointed that I didn’t get to see the much larger polar bear. Nevertheless, the two types of bears I did manage to catch a glimpse of were an intriguing sight nonetheless.

I was fortunate enough to be able to observe a mother and her cubs while hiking along a trail near Anchorage. Seeing these majestic creatures up close, and from a safe distance, was yet another highlight of my trip. Although I wasn’t able to take any photos due to the terrain, the memories of this moment still linger.


Another incredible creature that I observed on my trip were caribou. They are an impressive species of deer and I was fortunate enough to witness one grazing near a river I was canoeing down. These majestic creatures are quite large and yet so graceful when they move. I managed to capture some amazing photos of the caribou before it wandered off.

What surprised me the most was the power behind the caribou’s leaps. From a standing start, they could cross large stretches of water with ease! It just goes to show the power behind these majestic creatures and also why it’s so important to respect their habitat.


On my way to Whitehorse, I saw a small mammal underground by the side of the road. After some research, I learned it was an ermine. These small animals are actually members of the weasel family and they were surprisingly cute. They can also be quite the daredevils, as I witnessed one of them attempting to dig its way beneath a rock. Although I’m not sure how successful it was, it was still an amusing experience.

I was able to take some incredible photos of the ermine, and watching the animal maneuver around in the grass and dirt was fascinating. My experience exploring Yukon and Alaska wasn’t complete without the opportunity to see this small yet mighty creature.

Bald Eagles

Finally, I had the opportunity to observe some bald eagles while traveling through both regions. Although these impressive birds are quite large, they are surprisingly agile and quick when in the air. I managed to capture some amazing photos of them soaring gracefully above the treeline, and it was mesmerizing just to watch them glide.

What was most incredible is how they can spot prey from hundreds of feet in the air. While I can’t attest to it, I’m sure they can dive in near silence and then come out with the spoils below. Bald eagles are true aerial hunters and it’s amazing that I was able to witness them in action during my travels.


Exploring the wildlife in Yukon and Alaska is an experience like no other. From the majestic mountain goats and the powerful moose, to the small yet mighty ermines and the agile bald eagles, witnessing these animals in their natural habitat was truly a magical event. I highly recommend that all wildlife enthusiasts take the opportunity to visit these breathtaking regions and explore the amazing wildlife within.

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