Why Is My Shopify Store Not Showing Up On Google?

Why is my Shopify Store not Showing up on Google?

Have you ever wanted to start an online shop with Shopify, only to find that, no matter how hard you try, your store isn't showing up on Google? If so, you are not alone. This is a very common issue, and it can be incredibly frustrating. After all, a successful online store requires visibility and traffic, both of which come from strong Google rankings. That's why it's so important to make sure that your Shopify store is properly set up for visibility in Google.

Optimize Your Store for SEO

In order for your Shopify store to show up on Google, you'll need to make sure it is properly optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). This means taking steps like adding quality and relevant content, using appropriate keywords, optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, and making sure your store is mobile-friendly. If you've already taken these steps, then you can proceed to the next step.

It's also worth noting that having a blog on your Shopify store (and actively posting content) can help improve your search engine rankings, as it gives you more content to work with when optimizing your store. You can also use various Shopify apps to further improve your SEO, such as Smart SEO and SEO Doctor.

Submit Your Store to Google Webmaster Tools

Once you have optimized your Shopify store for SEO, you'll need to submit it to Google Webmaster Tools. This is a service provided by Google which allows you to manage and monitor your website's visibility in Google's search results. In order to submit your store, you'll need to create a Google Webmaster Tools account, and then use the 'Add a Property' feature to add your store URL. Once you've done this, you'll need to verify ownership of the website, and then you can start monitoring your site's progress.


Another important step for getting your Shopify store showing up in Google is to create a sitemap. This is essentially an index of all the pages and content on your store which Google can use to understand the structure of your store and crawl it accordingly. This can be done using a Shopify app such as Smart SEO or Google Sitemap Generator.

Make Sure You Have Quality Content

Finally, in order to ensure that your Shopify store is showing up in Google, you need to make sure that you have quality and relevant content. This means creating content which is both informative and engaging, so that it is attractive to potential customers. You can optimize your content using keywords and also use various Shopify tools to improve visibility, such as creating meta titles and descriptions.

Monitor Your Store's Progress

Once you have taken all of the necessary steps to ensure your Shopify store is properly optimized for SEO and set up for visibility on Google, the next step is to monitor your store's progress. You can use the Google Webmaster Tools to keep track of how your store is performing in Google's search engine results, as well as any changes you make to your store such as pages or content. This way, you'll be able to stay on top of your store's progress and take necessary action if it starts to drop in the rankings.


Getting your Shopify store showing up in Google is essential for success. It will help you to boost your store's visibility and reach more potential customers. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your Shopify store is properly optimized and set up for visibility in Google's search engine results.

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