Why Is My Water Softener Filling Up With Water?

Why Is My Water Softener Leaking? (How to Diagnose & Fix)

Have you ever noticed that your water softener is filling up with water? This is a common occurrence that can be caused by a number of possible issues. In this blog, we will discuss the most common causes of water softener filling up with water and how you can fix them.

Excess Water Usage

Excessive water usage is the most common cause of a water softener that is filling up with water. When more water is used than is necessary, the mineral tank fills up with water and overflows or leaks from the tank. This can be due to incorrect water use or to a malfunctioning water softener that is not regulating itself properly. To check for excess water usage, compare your water usage to manufacturer's recommended levels.

If you have excessive water usage, consider installing a low-flow showerhead or a low-flow toilet. This will reduce the amount of water you use and help prevent your water softener from overflowing. Additionally, you may need to adjust the settings on your water softener.

To check the settings, consult the owner's manual. Check that the amount of water being used is within the recommended range. If it is not, adjust it and check again. If you continue to have trouble, you may need to contact a professional to help you adjust the settings or repair the water softener.

Low Water Pressure

Another potential cause of your water softener filling up with water is low water pressure. Low water pressure can cause the water to backflow into the mineral tank, which can eventually cause it to overflow. Low water pressure can be caused by a variety of reasons, including an inadequate water main, a blocked water line, or a malfunctioning water softener.

If you suspect that the low water pressure is causing your water softener to fill up with water, first check the water main for any potential blockages. If you find a blockage, be sure to remove it. Additionally, check the water pressure and be sure that it is within the manufacturer's recommended range. If it is not, you may need to adjust the settings or contact a professional for assistance.

If the water pressure is within the manufacturer's recommended range and the water main is not blocked, the issue may be with the water softener. Again, you will need to consult the owner's manual and check the settings or contact a professional for assistance.

High Water Hardness

High water hardness can also be a cause of your water softener filling up with water. Water hardness measures the amount of dissolved minerals in the water, such as calcium and magnesium. When the water hardness is too high, the mineral tank can fill up with water more quickly. This can cause the water softener to overflow or to malfunction.

If you suspect that high water hardness is the cause, contact a professional for assistance. They can test your water for hardness and recommend a solution, such as a water softener with higher capacity or an alternate type of water softener, such as a salt-free water softener.

Drain Line Clog

A drain line clog can also cause your water softener to fill up with water. The drain line is connected to the mineral tank and is responsible for disposing of the water that is not used. If the drain line is clogged, the water in the mineral tank can turn stale and eventually overflow.

To check for a possible drain line clog, examine the line for any blockages. If you find any blockages, be sure to remove them. If the line is clear, check the water flow from the drain. If the flow is weak or nonexistent, the drain line may be clogged internally and needs to be cleared by a professional.

Malfunctioning Sensor

A malfunctioning sensor can also cause your water softener to fill up with water. Many water softeners have sensors that measure the amount of water in the mineral tank. If the sensor is not working properly, the water softener may not shut off when it should, causing the mineral tank to fill up with water.

To check if the sensor is the culprit, consult the owner's manual and check the settings for the sensor. If they are not adjusted properly, adjust them and check again. If the settings are correct, the sensor may need to be replaced. This is a task that should be performed by a professional.

Mechanical Malfunction

Finally, a mechanical malfunction can cause your water softener to fill up with water. If the mechanical components of the water softener are worn or damaged, they may not be functioning properly. This can cause the water softener to receive too much water or to malfunction in another way.

To determine if a mechanical malfunction is the cause, first inspect the water softener for any signs of damage. If you find any damage, contact a professional for assistance. They may need to replace or repair the mechanical components to fix the issue.


Though a water softener filling up with water can be a cause for concern, the cause is often preventable. By following the tips outlined above, you can pinpoint the cause of the issue and take the necessary steps to remedy it. If you are unable to identify the cause or if you find that it is something that cannot be repaired, contact a local water softener professional for assistance.

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